May I please draw
our annual conference again to your attention, and cordially invite you to
attend. (See further below.)
Apologies for
Best wishes
10th Annual Conference on European Tort Law, 28–30 April 2011,
Vienna (Austria)
10th Annual Conference on European Tort Law will be held in Vienna (Austria) on 28–30 April 2011. As in
previous years, it will provide both practitioners and academics with the
opportunity to learn about the most significant tort law developments in
Europe in the past 12 months. Experts from all
over the continent will present highlights from their contributions to the
Yearbook European Tort Law 2010, which will be published after the Conference by
the Institute for European Tort Law (ETL) and the European Centre of Tort and
Insurance Law (ECTIL). An overview of developments in EU law will also be
provided, while a comparative analysis will assess the most important emerging
trends. The Conference begins on Thursday evening with an opening lecture by the
distinguished scholar, Cees van Dam, and concludes with a special session on
liability for omissions on Saturday morning. Throughout the Conference, there
will be ample opportunity for discussion and debate, both in the formal
proceedings and during the breaks. As always, the Conference dinner on Friday
evening will be in one of Vienna’s famed wine taverns. For further
details, see
note that, beginning with European Tort Law 2009, the
ECTIL/ETL Yearbook has been published by de Gruyter of Berlin.)
for European Tort Law
Reichsratsstrasse 17/2,
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel. (+43-1) 4277-29
662, Fax (+43-1) 4277-29 670